She was heartbroken that this had happened and wanted to fix it but also was so worried about sedating her that she was wanted me to promise that nothing bad would happen and that Kitty would be alright. No one had really talked to her before about needing to trim nails on cats in general or especially on polydactyls.
#Awa voorhees hours skin#
I took a look at the one paw and immediately saw that, as is common, the extra digit between the thumb and forefinger had punctured through the skin and was pretty deeply embedded. For more information regarding our adoption process, services, and other important information please view the information tabs listed here on our website.“Kitty” was a polydactyl whose owner asked us for a nail trim. Additionally, the Burlington County Animal Shelter also provides the essential services for reuniting lost pets with their owners. Animals in our care are spayed or neutered, and receive veterinary care while they await placement into their forever homes. We strive to ensure our animals are placed in loving, responsible, committed permanent homes, following a comprehensive adoption processes which includes taking considerable care in finding good matches for prospective adopters. By working with committed volunteers and rescues, over a thousand animal’s lives are saved each year. To ensure the best possible quality of life for all of our animals we work hard to promote respect and reverence by establishing a “no kill” philosophy.

The vision of the Burlington County Animal Shelter is to create an environment where all animals receive appropriate care, love, and attention at all times. It is also a place where county residents can take stray and unwanted animals.

It is used as a shelter for stray dogs, cats and other small animals for a short term stay in accordance with Title 8, Chapter 23. Our Shelter is a county facility supported by animal control contracts with local municipalities and the county taxpayers. The Burlington County Animal Shelter serves as the rabies control point for the 40 municipalities of Burlington County, operating within the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Burlington County Health Department.

#Awa voorhees hours update#